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发布时间:2014-07-10 15:39 来源:未知 点击:

  Though MICC haven’t given the details of how the Fund Companies distribute the quotas, the basic direction will not be changed as bellowing:   


  The quotas will be distributed to each Fund Company. The Fund Company will select the available applicants to improve the cases’ quality.   


  The applicant must submit the whole completed documents.   


  The only standard to select the investor applicants by Fund Companies depends on the cases’ quality. Moreover, the main standard to judge a case’s quality depends on the EIT and IIT.   


  For the applicants who are the senior manager of the large-scale foreign company or quoted company, high quality means their income must be proved and matched by their IIT and personal bank account record.   


  For the applicants who are the owner or shareholder of the limited company, high quality means company’s annual sales and personal dividend must be proved and matched by company’s EIT and personal IIT.


  Therefore, please work in with the following procedure to complete MICC’s reopen:   


  Please fill the attached form to supply the high quality applicants information to us as soon as possible;   


  We will ask the applicants to supply some main part documents for the initial checking after we review the forms (Main documents include: initial ND, recent five years EIT/IIT, recent five years VAT declaration forms of companies)   


  If the applicants can pass our initial checking, we will give them the reserve place.   


  When MICC confirmed the reopen time, please submit the whole completed documents of the applicants who have reserve place on time. We will submit them to MICC finally.   


  If the high quality applicant can not achieve our quotas, we will loosen the conditions and begin the second turn for the initial checking.   

  * 关于第4)点,请理解,目前魁省重开的时间还未确定,等所有细则确认后,我们会做好相关收件的时间规划,确保各位的优质客户能顺利获得名额并将申请递交移民局。   

  * About No. 4), please understand we will plan the related selection time to guarantee each high quality applicant to get the quota and submit to MICC smoothly later because the reopen time and all details haven’t been confirmed by MICC now. 

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