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发布时间:2013-11-06 09:42来源:未知 点击:


  1. 取消了投资人配偶和孩子名额的限制。“ALIENS NOT SUBJECT TO DIRECT NUMERICAL LIMITATION -- Aliens who are the spouse or a child of an alien admitted as anemployment-based immigrant under section 203(b)(5)”在203(b)(5)这项条款中,外籍投资者的配偶和子女将不再受配额的限制(此后每年投资移民的配额以家庭为单位,投资者的配偶和子女不再占用投资移民的名额,相当于名额增加了大约2.5倍)。

  2. TEA(Targeted Employment Area目标就业区)有效期变为5年。 “A designation of a high unemployment area or poverty area as a targeted employment area shall be valid for 5 years and may be renewed for additional 5-year periods if the area continues to meet the definition of a high unemployment or poverty area.” 被认证的作为高失业区或贫困区的目标就业区5年有效,如果此目标就业区继续符合高失业区或者贫困区的定义要求,其有效期可延续5年(投资者无需再担心TEA过期了)。

  3.投资额将根据美国2015年通货膨胀指数相应提高,之后每5年根据之前5年总的通货膨胀再进行调整。 “Unless adjusted by the Secretary of Commerce, the amount specified in this clause shall automatically adjust, on January 1, 2016, by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) during fiscal year 2015, and on every fifth subsequent January 1 by the cumulative percentage change in the CPI-U during the previous 5 fiscal years, for any petition filed to classify an alien under this paragraph on or after the date of each automatic adjustment.” 除非美国商务部部长进行调控,否则此条款中规定的数额将按2015财政年度的消费者物价指数的变化幅度于2016年1月1日自动进行调整,此后每5年的1月1日将会根据之前5年的总的消费者物价指数的变化,对外籍投资者在每个自动调整日当天或之后提交的申请的投资额再进行调整 (美国的通货膨胀幅度一般为每年2%-3%,不会很多)。

  4. 若投资者子女在临时绿卡期间因为年龄超过21周岁而导致转永久绿卡失败,投资者在此后一年之内仍可重新为其子女申请。 “An alien admitted under sub-section (d) as a lawful permanent resident on a conditional basis as the child of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence under subsection (b)(5), whose lawful permanent resident status on a conditional basis is terminated under section 216A, shall continue to be considered a child of the principal alien for the purpose of a subsequent immigrant petition by such alien under subsection (b)(5) if the alien remains unmarried and the subsequent petition is filed by the principal alien not later than 1 year after the termination of conditional lawful permanent resident status.” 通过(b)(5) 分条款之下(d)条款获得临时绿卡的外籍人士的孩子,其临时绿卡在216A条款下失效了,如果他/她仍是未婚,那么主申请人在临时绿卡失效起一年之内再次提交申请,孩子仍可以被视作主申请人的子女(此条款的修改保障了投资者的子女能和投资者一起拿到永久绿卡)。

  5. 可以同时提交I-526和I-485的申请。 “CONCURRENT FILING OF EB–5 PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS FOR ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS -- At the time a petition is filed for classification under section 203(b)(5), if the approval of such petition would make a visa immediately available to the alien beneficiary, the alien beneficiary’s application for adjustment of status under this section shall be considered to be properly filed whether the application is submitted concurrently with, or subsequent to, the visa petition.”EB-5申请和调整身份的申请可同时提交-- 提交了203(b)(5)这类别的申请的同时,如果该申请的获批使得外籍受益人能马上获得签证,那么,无论此外籍受益人调整身份的申请是与该申请一起提交,还是之后提交签证申请,均被视为已经妥当地提交申请。(对于在美国的投资者来说,这是一个好消息,因为不需要再担心维持身份的问题了)。

